Water is essential for our overall well-being, and it’s crucial to ensure the water we consume is safe and healthy for our families. With concerns about water quality on the rise, it’s important to understand the differences between tap water and filtered or reverse osmosis water and how they can affect our health. Keep reading to explore the differences in water quality and how Culligan’s filtration systems can protect your family’s health from unwanted contaminants. 

Why Should I Worry About My Water?

While most municipal drinking water might meet the standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the water utility might comply with federal health-based drinking water standards, that doesn’t mean it’s free from all contaminants or concerns. Some of these contaminants may just make your water taste or smell odd but some contaminants can cause much worse problems to your family’s health. 

In the Environmental Working Group’s most recent drinking water quality report it was discovered that 20 total contaminants were detected in St. Joseph’s water supply. Out of these 20 contaminants, 12 exceeded EWG health guidelines, and many may be of concern to you and your family. 

What Might be in My Tap Water?

Tap water is the most common source of water for many households. While tap water is regulated and treated to meet safety standards, it is not without its drawbacks, as seen from the EWG’s latest water report for St. Joseph. Municipal water often contains impurities, such as chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria, which can have adverse effects on our health. 

Common contaminants found across the country include:

  • Chlorine: Tap water is treated with chlorine to kill harmful bacteria but consuming high levels of chlorine can contribute to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even certain types of cancer.
  • Heavy metals: Aging infrastructure can lead to the presence of heavy metals like lead and copper in tap water, which can cause developmental issues in children and long-term health problems in adults.
  • Microorganisms: Despite water treatment processes, certain bacteria and viruses can still be present in tap water, making it a potential source of waterborne diseases.

There are also dangerous contaminants found directly in St. Joseph’s water supply. While these contaminants are found in low levels, the goal is always to remove all contaminants from entering your body. 

  • Chloroform: Chloroform is a very common contaminant found in water supplies, as it is used as a water disinfectant nationwide. Chloroform can affect the central nervous system (brain), liver, and kidneys.
  • Chromium: Chromium, also known as hexavalent, can seep into the water supply through industrial pollution and natural occurrences. Data suggests a link between chromium consumption in drinking water and cancer and reproductive harm. 

How Does Filtered Water Differ?

Filtered water takes that potentially contaminate-ridden tap water and removes the impurities leaving you with quality drinking water for you and your family. One of the most common filtration methods used in homes and businesses is reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is a water purification process that filters out impurities, leaving behind clean, safe drinking water. It utilizes a semi-permeable membrane to remove contaminants, ensuring a superior quality of water. Here are a few reasons why reverse osmosis water is considered beneficial to home’s across the nation:

  • Elimination of impurities: Reverse osmosis is highly effective in removing impurities such as chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, and even pharmaceutical residuals, resulting in water that is free of harmful substances.
  • Improved taste and odor: The removal of impurities and chemicals enhances the taste and smell of the water, making it more enjoyable to drink. This can encourage increased water consumption, leading to better hydration and overall health.
  • Health benefits: Consuming reverse osmosis water free from contaminants can potentially reduce the risk of various health issues, including gastrointestinal problems, hormone disruption, and certain types of cancer.

Count on Culligan Water to Deliver Quality Filtered Water to You and Your Family

While tap water undergoes treatment and meets safety standards, it still contains impurities that can impact our health. Reverse osmosis water, on the other hand, offers significant benefits by effectively eliminating contaminants and providing high-quality drinking water. In terms of taste, purity, and health benefits, choosing reverse osmosis water can be a worthwhile investment in the well-being of your family. Prioritizing your family’s health by opting for filtered water ensures that you are providing them with the cleanest and safest drinking water possible.

After reading this article, you may have questions about your tap water’s quality or reverse osmosis systems. That’s where Culligan Water of St. Joseph comes in! As water quality professionals in the area, you can count on us to offer free in-home water quality tests and consultations, provide trusted information about water filtration, and supply water filtration systems that meet your specific needs. Contact Culligan Water of St. Joseph with all of your questions!
